PORTS Australia launched its inaugural State of Trade report today (9 September), breaking down the numbers behind the $650 billion worth of trade handled at Australian ports each year.

The 2024 report, commissioned by Ports Australia and prepared by Prominence Consulting, is intended as a snapshot of the role Australian ports play in the nation’s economy, security and workforce.

It found that Australia’s ports handle upwards of 1.6 billion tonnes of trade each year and are responsible for 99% of the nation’s international trade by volume. Data indicates there were more than 31,000 vessel visits in 2022-23.

Iron ore dominated Australia’s exports, accounting for 36% of total exports in volume, with coal accounting for 14% and agriculture and food following at 13%.

Sixty-four per cent of Australia’s total exports, by value, were attributed to mining; while half of Australia’s imports by volume were oil, gas and fuel.

Western Australia was by far the largest contributor to overall trade figures, responsible for 62% of the nation’s total trade volumes.

The report attributed it 34% of Australia’s seaborne imports (by value) to NSW. The NT was responsible for about 18% of our metal and mineral exports (by volume and excluding iron ore).

Queensland ports handled 20% of the nation’s international seaborne trade (by value and volume) and SA ports handled 14% of the nation’s agriculture and food trade (by volume).

Victorian ports handled 33% of Australia’s imported and exported shipping containers, and the Tasmanian ports industry clocked up 9.8 million tonnes annual coastal trade by volume.  

Ports Australia CEO Mike Gallacher said the “blue highway” is the most critical path to Australia’s national prosperity.

“We often take for granted just how critical our ports are across a range of industries and communities. This report paints a picture of the impact of our sector and demonstrates in clear terms how important our ports are to our standard of living,” Mr Gallacher said.

“This inaugural State of Trade report provides a snapshot of Australia’s port industry unlike anything we’ve seen before.

“The extensive data collected demonstrates the interconnectedness of Australia’s key industries and supply chains to our economic health and security and allows us to plan for the future.”

Ports Australia said the State of Trade report is now a fixture of its work. The full 2024 report is available here.