IN A SAVAGE Facebook post the Maritime Union of Australia’s WA branch has accused marine service company Teekay Australia of using cheap labour on the Absolute 1 Bunker Barge.

The post, from 13 February claims Teekay brought the Absolute 1 Bunker Barge into Fremantle using “cheap foreign labour”.

“This was followed up by a decision from some dimwit in Teekay’s HR Department who decided it was a good idea to cut the salaries of MUA members on the bunker barge by $8K per year,” the post said.

“And to ensure that Teekay completely f***ed up any possible remaining relationship with the MUA and our members, they have offered up a proposed EBA in bargaining, which can be described as ‘contemptuous’ at best.

“It’s the same old regurgitated baseline rubbish which Teekay are using across most of their Australian fleet.”

The MUA has filed a Protected Action Ballot Order (PABO) application in the Fair Work Commission.

The post said the MUA intends giving Teekay “a decent belt”.

“We want an increase in salaries of $60K per year, along with severance and income protection provisions. Our members are up for the fight.”

Teekay operates various vessels under contract with the Australian government operation services.

The bunker tanker Absolute 1 supports BP bunkering services for vessels calling into the port of Fremantle.

Teekay was approached for comment but declined to respond for the time being.