THE MINISTER for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government, Catherine King, has appointed Ms Lynelle Briggs and Prof Nicholas Gaskell to co-chair the reviews of the Shipping Registration Act 1981 and Coastal Trading (Revitalising Australian Shipping) Act 2012

The Government committed to reviewing both Acts as part of its November 2023 response to the Strategic Fleet Taskforce report, when it agreed to recommendations 5 and 6.

At that time the Government said it would undertake a review of the Shipping Registration Act 1981 in 2024 as part of the strategic fleet implementation “to ensure Australia’s vessel registration process is fit-for-purpose and supports the strategic fleet and future growth of Australian shipping”, while the review of the Coastal Trading (Revitalising Australian Shipping) Act 2012 would take place “as part of a broader strategic fleet post-implementation review of the strategic fleet 12 months after the first vessels become operational.

“The review will consider whether the coastal trading regulatory framework is fit-for-purpose and appropriately supports the strategic fleet, minimising opportunities for foreign flagged vessels to undermine strategic fleet cargo volumes and trade routes. The specific considerations identified by the Taskforce will be within the scope of the review,” the government said at the time.

With no strategic fleet/vessel yet in place it seems the minister has decided to proceed with both reviews simultaneously.

“Ensuring the Acts reflect modern regulatory best practice for shipping registration and coastal trading will be critical to supporting the long-term sustainability of Australia’s maritime industry and Strategic Fleet,” Minister King said today.

The government noted Ms Briggs has strong review, maritime and transport experience, most recently leading the review of public sector board appointments in 2023 and as the Royal Commissioner on Aged Care Quality and Safety. She was also a Board Member for the Australian Maritime Safety Authority and Chairperson of the Maritime Super Board. 

Prof Gaskell is a maritime lawyer with extensive experience in international shipping practice and in analysing merchant shipping legislation for governments, industry and practitioners. He is currently an Emeritus Professor of maritime and commercial law at the University of Queensland.

“I welcome both Ms Briggs and Prof Gaskell to the role, and look forward to seeing these reviews unfold as we work to ensure a strong and sustainable maritime industry,” Ms King said. “These reviews are another demonstration of the Government’s actions to back the Australian maritime industry and its workers.”

Ms Briggs and Prof Gaskell will report to the government in six months. The Terms of Reference for each legislative review can be found on the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts website.