REVISION of the Victorian Freight Plan is progressing with involvement from industry.

The plan, launched in 2018 as a roadmap for the state’s freight system, is due for an update following the impacts of the pandemic, global conflicts and local disruptions.

The revised plan is being developed with input from the sector and with a focus on pathways to decarbonise freight and logistics.

Victorian minister for ports and freight Melissa Horne has met with more than 80 freight and logistics industry leaders so far to discuss the next phase of the plan.

“Victoria is home to the busiest port in the nation, handling more than a third of the country’s container trade and contributing $6 billion to the state’s economy,” Ms Horne said.

The state government said industry is “already coming to the table” with operators such as Patrick Terminals investing in 10 new hybrid straddles for its Melbourne operations. The machines are expected to reduce fuel consumption by up to 40%.

And since the initial launch of the plan, government investment in rail freight maintenance, amounting to more than $360 million, has led to heavier and longer trains being used on the network.

This contributed to a 95% increase in grain volumes moved by rail in Victoria between July and December 2023, compared with the same period in 2022

“From our primary producers through to our stevedores, our freight and logistics workforce helps keep our economy moving and we are working with industry to ensure Victoria remains the freight capital of Australia,” Ms Horne said.

Consultation for the updated Victorian Freight Plan will close on 30 June 2024. A discussion paper, survey and submission portal are available here.

The revised Victoria Freight Plan is due to be published in early 2025.