THE GRIMALDI PCTC Grande Baltimora remains in Melbourne after a crewmember was killed in a tragic accident on board last Wednesday [19 June].

Ambulance Victoria paramedics attended the ship around 1750 after the forklift being operated by a 34-yo Filipino overturned. Victoria Police also attended and will prepare a report for the coroner. Grande Batlimora had arrived at 23 00 16 June from Europe via Reunion on Grimaldi’s regular service and was working cargo at MIRRAT’s Webb Dock West terminal.

In a statement to DCN confirming the fatality, Grimaldi Group said the incident was deeply regrettable “and is being thoroughly investigated by all relevant authorities and we are providing every assistance to those authorities. We are also providing close aid to his family.

“The crew on board are also being assisted by the Company. The vessel will remain in port until the investigations by local authorities are complete.  No further details of the seafarer will be released at this time,” Grimaldi said.

On Thursday [20 June], AMSA attended the Italian-flagged vessel to investigate the circumstances surrounding the fatality and carry out a port state control inspection.

“The PSC inspection identified failures of the vessel’s safety management system as well as defective engine room fire dampers. Consequently, AMSA detained the vessel as the condition of the vessel did not meet the applicable international conventions,” a spokesperson said.

“The vessel will remain detained at the Port of Melbourne until the deficiencies are rectified, the elements of AMSAs investigation have been complete, AMSA determines that the departure of the vessel would not present a danger to persons on board or the environment.  AMSA’s investigation remains ongoing.”

DCN understands Grande Baltimora’s remaining Australian cargo, destined for Brisbane, was transhipped on another vessel. On Friday morning the 2017-built, 6300 CEU PCTC was moved from Webb Dock to a lay-by berth at Appleton Dock.