WILHELMSEN Ships Service has joined a zero-harm initiative by RightShip with a view to improve the safety of mooring practices.

The company is now part of the Zero Harm Innovation Partners Program, which encourages the development and uptake of new technology and systems to make the maritime industry safer.

Businesses submit new products to the program for review, with shipowners and managers able to highlight technologies integrated into vessels so charterers are aware of the measures taken.

Wilhelmsen Ships Services is participating with two mooring products: the Line Management Plan, which aims to reduce the probability of accidents; and the Snap Back Arrestor rope, which focuses on minimising the severity of risks when an accident happens.

The company said mooring operations present significant safety challenges. The number of mooring-related incidents has risen; reported accidents in ports such as Rotterdam rose from 122 in 2020 to 159 in 2023, it said. These incidents often result in injuries and highlight the need for improved safety measures.

Thomas Caradec, product management and planning director, mooring solutions at Wilhelmsen Ships Services, said the company is dedicated to enhancing mooring safety standards in the maritime industry.

“Our aim is to drive a positive change in the maritime industry and collaborate with other partners in the program to find ways to improve safety at sea,” he said.

RightShip head of partnerships Ajinkya Kadam said Wilhelmsen Ship Services’ innovations would have a positive impact on advancing a safer and more sustainable maritime industry.

“By connecting solution providers with owner, managers and promoting them to the charterers, the RightShip Zero Harm Innovation Partners Program fosters a collaborative ecosystem that encourages adoption of new technologies and recognises those who invest in safety and sustainability on board vessels,” he said.

RightShip’s zero-harm program aims to bring together technology providers, solutions providers, equipment manufacturers and innovators contributing to zero-harm in the maritime industry.

Wilhelmsen Ships Services joins innovation partners Green Marine, Work Ship, Digimoor and others currently involved in the program.