THE PILBARA Port of Dampier is warning all vessels to watch out for whales heading to their feeding grounds in the Kimberley.

A notice issued by harbour master Captain Mike Minogue on 20 September said the presence of whales in relatively shallow port waters limits their ability to avoid vessels, significantly increasing the risk of collisions between vessels and whales.

Whales and other marine animals likely to be affected by vessel collisions are protected under both commonwealth and state legislation.

“The Western Australian coastline is a known migration route for the Western Australian Humpback whale population,” the notice said.

“Humpback whales pass through Dampier Port waters as they migrate from their Southern Ocean feeding grounds to their tropical breeding grounds in the Kimberley. The migration occurs annually between June and November.”

Vessels are required keep a safe distance from whales, 300 metres in front or behind and 100 metres on either side.

“Commercial vessels, as part of their safety management systems are required by the Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) to conduct a risk assessment when operating in areas where marine fauna is likely to be present.”

In high risk locations AMSA advises extra lookouts should be posted in known migration, resting and breeding areas to scan ahead with binoculars on the bridge or from the bow of the vessel, including at night.

Speed should be reduced especially in low visibility, in known migration, resting and breeding areas, and when entering and leaving ports, bays and harbours.

“The faster a vessel is travelling, the less time both the person in charge of the vessel and the animal have to react to avoid collision and the greater the potential damage.

“Be aware of any special management zones, ‘caution zones’ or seasonal exclusion zones that may exist to protect particularly susceptible species.”

Details of whale activity will be broadcast by Dampier Vessel Traffic Services (VTS) with Sécurité Messages on VHF Channel 11 and 16.

Vessel masters are asked to report to Dampier VTS any whale activity in the vicinity of shipping routes or where marine fauna could pose a navigation hazard in port waters, such as a carcass floating in a shipping channel.

Dampier VTS can be contacted 24 hrs a day on 08 9159 6556 or VHF Channel 11 and 16.

All collisions with marine fauna or injured marine fauna sightings within port waters should be immediately reported to Dampier VTS.

In addition, collisions should be reported to state and commonwealth authorities.

Sightings within three nautical miles from the coast should be reported to the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions (DBCA) Parks and Wildlife Service and in Commonwealth waters up to 200 nautical miles from the coast, the Department of Climate Change, Energy, Environment, and Water (DCCEEW) must be notified.