GLOBAL ro-ro ocean transportation services group Höegh Autoliners is to upgrade seven of the vessels it operates following the success of sea trials to generate fuel savings and reduce carbon emissions.

An engine part load optimisation performed by Hanwha and Accelleron on the 7,850 CEU (Car Equivalent Units) car carrier Höegh Detroit showed a fuel consumption reduction of 10g per kilowatt-hour in sea trials. It was the equivalent of 5% of total fuel consumption.

A media release from Höegh said that working with engine builder Hanwha Engine Co, Accelleron optimized both engine tuning and turbocharger configuration, including the installation of components more suitable to the vessel’s lower speed profile.

Turbocharger nozzle rings, turbine blades and compressor wheels were all adapted, alongside various engine parameters, optimizing efficiency for a de-rated engine output of 79% of the original maximum continuous rating, tailor edged to the new propulsion upgrade.

During the project, Höegh Detroit was also equipped with a new propeller that enables the vessel to reach same maximum speed as before the modifications, the only difference is the lower fuel consumption.

Chief Operations Officer at Höegh Autoliners, Sebjørn Dahl, said operating with lower engine power is one of several energy efficiency measures being deployed by Höegh Autoliners as part of its commitment to being a leader in sustainable deep-sea shipping.

“The fuel efficiency impact of EPLO optimization on Höegh Detroit exceeded our expectations, safeguarding the vessel’s long-term energy efficiency and market value. We are confident of similar success in future EPLO projects,” Mr Dahl said.

“Sustainability and emission reduction is at the core of Höegh Autoliners’ strategy. This joint project with Accelleron and Hanwha shows very good results and is an example of decarbonization in practice.”

Accelleron has received orders for more than 20 EPLOs to date, many for multiple sister vessels, as shipowners seek cost-effective solutions to extend compliant service life on existing vessels. EPLOs can be undertaken by Accelleron as the turnkey solution provider or in conjunction with the original engine builder.