THE INTERNATIONAL Cargo Handling Co-ordination Association is hosting two Australian events in the coming months, including a joint event with another Australian association.

On 20 August ICHCA Australia and the Supply Chain & Logistics Association of Australia will join forces for a networking function underpinned by discussions on global economic headwinds in 2025.

The evening event will feature a presentation by Paul Bloxham, HSBC chief economist for Australia, New Zealand and global commodities.

Mr Bloxham will unpack forecasts and trends for the Australian economy and their interactions with global financial markets and international economies.

Following the presentation, Paul will be joined on a panel by Xperiental director Sandy Padey and Rebound Advisory director Brendan Richards.

And on 4 September, ICHCA Australia is holding a special event in South Australia looking at how sea, road, rail and air will integrate with the state’s freight growth agenda.

South Australian minister for infrastructure and transport Tom Koutsantonis is locked in as guest speaker for the luncheon forum.

The SA event will commence at 12:00 on Wednesday 4 September at Coopers Alehouse Geopps Cross, Blair Athol. Registrations close on 30 August.

And ICHCA Australia’s joint networking event with SCLAA will commence at 18:00 on Tuesday 20 August at Bells Hotel in South Melbourne. Registrations close on 16 August.

For more information and to register, head to ICHCA Australia’s website.