THE FEDERAL Government has declared an area for an offshore wind zone off the coast of Western Australia, an announcement from Chris Bowen, minister for climate change and energy said.

The zone, off the coast of Bunbury in the state’s south, has been amended from the previous proposition, following what the Government described as extensive consultation with local leaders, industry, fishers, unions, First Nations people, and community groups.

The amended zone area covers 4000 square kilometres, reducing the previously proposed zone by half.

It will now be at least 30 kilometres from shore at its closest point, and excludes more than 60 percent of the recreational fishing areas requested for exclusion, including Naturaliste Reef.

The new zone area also provides further separation from breeding areas and migratory paths for Southern Right Whales.

The Government says the offshore zone will bring new employment opportunities to the state, creating close to 7000 jobs during construction, and around 3500 ongoing jobs for engineers, electrical technicians, cable installers, boilermakers, crane operators, riggers, seafarers, dockworkers, and administrators.

The new industry is intended to help secure Western Australia’s energy future, unlock thousands of renewable energy jobs and provide cleaner, cheaper, and reliable energy for the resources-heavy state, the Federal Government explained.

Minister Bowen believes the Bunbury offshore wind industry has the potential to support 11.4 gigawatts of electricity, enough to power all the homes and manufacturing industries in the south west, the announcement claims.

The Minister also expects recreational fishers will be able to travel and fish within the offshore wind zone, which already occurs internationally in the United Kingdom and Denmark.

MP Bowen said the declared area was a vital step towards securing Western Australia’s energy grid with reliable renewables.

“With an estimated 50 GW of new generation required by 2042, Western Australia needs new sources of electricity to power homes and industry,” MP Bowen said.

“Offshore wind can help meet that demand – harnessing consistent, high-speed winds to provide reliable renewable energy throughout the day and night, with one rotation of an offshore turbine generating as much power as an average rooftop solar installation makes in a day.”

Assistant Minister for climate change and energy Josh Wilson said, “Adding offshore wind to WA’s diversity of renewable options is particularly important in WA’s electricity network because it’s a self-contained system, unlike the interconnected system in the Eastern states.”

The application period for feasibility licences in the declared Bunbury offshore wind zone opens 3 September and closes on 6 November this year.

The Government says licences will only be awarded to developers whose proposed projects do the most to incorporate Australian materials and manufacturing, consult with local industry, protect the environment, share the marine space and provide benefits to workers, businesses and communities.