ROAD trains more than 22 metres long are now required to display new safety signage in Western Australia.

The signage displayed on the rear of restricted access vehicles is designed to assist other drivers in making more informed decisions when sharing the road, especially when overtaking.

The signage will show the number of trailers and total length of the restricted access vehicle and will include a graphic which shows the total length of the heavy vehicle as an equivalent number of car lengths.

The signage will replace the existing road train and long vehicle signage on all vehicles between 22 and 60 metres in length.

The change was introduced after 90% of respondents voted in favour of the new signage following a trial on freight vehicles in 2022 and 2023.

Western Australia is the only State to have this type of signage, which has generated interest from other interstate road authorities.

Interstate Heavy Vehicle Operators travelling across the border to WA will not be penalised with existing warning signage will be recognised and accepted.

There will be a six-month transition period to the new regulatory signs, starting July 1.

Acting Transport Minister John Carey said the initiative was all about making roads easier to navigate and safer for all drivers by giving motorists the length of larger vehicles they may be sharing the road with.

“We rely on road trains to keep our economy moving and we know how intimidating it can sometimes be to try to overtake one,” Mr Carey said. “This way other drivers have the information in front of them regarding how long the vehicle is which helps them to make a more informed decision when overtaking.”