WISTA Australia this week welcomed new leaders aboard and farewelled those stepping down – including president and chair Monika Lemajic and vice president Jessie Mahon.

Succeeding Ms Lemajic and Ms Mahon are Donna Jones as president and chair and Tania Nicolson as vice president.

WISTA Australia is the local branch of the Women’s International Shipping & Trading Association, which aims to support and connect women in leadership throughout the global maritime industry.

Ms Lemajic and Ms Mahon stepped into their respective roles two years ago. Under their leadership, WISTA Australia changed its constitution to enable people of all genders to join. The association had previously only been open to women – specifically women in leadership.

Changing the constitution also opened the association to all professional levels, including students. It also started forging partnership with other organisations.

“It is with mixed emotions that I have stepped down from my position as president and chair of WISTA Australia,” Ms Lemajic said in a video message.

“I step down with so much pride and gratitude for the time in the role, and it has been an absolute honour to serve you all as president and chair and to witness the incredible progress we’ve made together.”

Ms Lemajic said the vision she and Ms Mahon joined envisioning a future where gender “would never be a limiting factor in achieving one’s professional aspirations”.

“As we reflect on the last two years, it has become evident that our vision has not only been realised, but it has also grown and evolved well beyond our expectations,” Ms Lemajic said.

“Our vision became agnostic of gender. It became bigger than maritime. It became equality for all.

“As I hand over the WISTA Australia helm to the new president and chair Donna Jones, I am confident that WISTA Australia will continue to flourish and make a profound impact in our industry.”

WISTA Australia has also welcomed Allison Wilkinson as secretary, Karin Crowe as treasurer, Emma Campbell as QLD representative, Zoe Herrmann as sponsorship officer and Teanna Het as NSW representative.

“We’re thrilled to have these talented individuals join us on this journey,” WISTA Australia said in a social media post.

“Their fresh perspectives and energy will be essential as we navigate new waters.”

Stepping down alongside Ms Lemajic and Ms Mahon are Ivonne M as secretary, Brenda Teh as treasurer, Ceanne Innis as communication officer, Aph Barton as NSW representative and Jenny Ruffell Smith as QLD representative.  

“We extend our heartfelt thanks to these remarkable leaders for their service and dedication,” the association said.

“Their contributions have been instrumental in our success, and they leave a legacy that will inspire us for years to come.”

And continuing in their roles are Elva (Jing) Zhang as Victoria representative, Kendall Messer as WA representative, Anna MacNeil as Tasmania representative and Livija Berzins as public officer.