THE MARITIME Union of Australia’s WA branch is using its Facebook posts to promote both the good and the bad.

On a positive note a post on Wednesday 19 February, the MUA welcomed the state government’s investment in supply chain resilience.

WA branch secretary Will Tracey was quoted: “Today’s announcement is a welcome one for the MUA and its members in WA. This is a positive step towards reintroducing a dedicated shipping service to the WA coast,” Mr Tracey was quoted as saying.

The Facebook post also quotes WA premier Roger Cook: “Shipping provides more options for industry to move their goods efficiently, and investment in WA shipping and WA seafarers is critical for the WA community and economy, particularly during times of supply chain disruptions.

“The fund will also support local jobs and our efforts to continue diversifying our economy by providing better training for our maritime workforce and helping to boost the number of Australian qualified seafarers,” the post said.

A separate Facebook post though is less complimentary and continues the union’s attack on marine service company Teekay for allegedly using cheap foreign labour on the Absolute 1 Bunker Barge operating at the port of Fremantle.

The post loops in BP and APS for criticism for paying what it claims are sub-standard rates.

The post on Thursday, 20 February, said the MUA is seeking a significant pay rise for bunker barge crew “who have been screwed over for years on sub-standard rates by BP, APS, and now Teekay.

“After two unproductive bargaining meetings, the MUA filed for Protected Industrial Action and the FWC approved the PABO Application.

“A Compulsory Conference in the FWC made more progress in the first 15 minutes than in the first two bargaining meetings, but all key REM items remain outstanding.

“The PIA Ballot opens today, and the MUA is seeking a 100% ‘YES’ vote.

“Teekay and BP are going to cop a decent belt unless our outstanding bargaining claims aren’t sorted in a FWC-facilitated Conference next week,” the post said.