PILBARA Ports Authority has reported a total monthly throughput of 60.5 million tonnes for January 2025.
This was a 4% increase compared with January 2024.
The Port of Port Hedland handled a total of 46.5 million tonnes, of which 45.9 million tonnes was iron ore exports. This was an 8% increase in total throughput compared with the same month last year
Imports through the Port of Port Hedland totalled 138,000 tonnes, a decrease of 5% compared with January 2024.
The Port of Dampier delivered a total throughput of 11.9 million tonnes, a 16% decrease from January 2024.
Imports through the Port of Dampier totalled 115,000 tonnes, a decrease of 24% from January 2024.
PPA highlighted several factors that influence the fluctuation of throughput, including changes in market conditions, port maintenance operations and proponent needs.
Additionally, on Saturday 18 January 2025, the Ports of Port Hedland, Dampier, Ashburton, Varanus Island and Cape Preston West were shut down due to Tropical Cyclone Sean.
Total throughput across all ports since 1 July 2024 is 448.1 million tonnes.