MONDAY 25 June again marked the IMO’s International Day of the Seafarer, the 14th consecutive year the day has been observed.

For 2024, the IMO has chosen to spotlight seafarers’ contribution to making the maritime sector a safer workplace.

This year’s theme is especially pertinent, given the current challenges faced by seafarers, such as attacks from hostile entities whilst sailing through conflict zones.

IMO secretary general Arsenio Dominguez released a video message thanking seafarers for their professionalism and continued work in keeping the maritime industry, and global trade, afloat.

“We know that without seafarers, there would be no shipping, no shopping, and no supply chain. But far from the public eye, seafarers have been sorely tested in recent years, currently facing hostile acts from piracy or in conflict zones.”

“I humbly acknowledge seafarers’ resilience and sacrifice in the name of work.”

In Brisbane, DCN attended the Mission To Seafarers’ International Day of the Seafarer lunch at the Port of Brisbane.

The lunch featured some words from Mission secretary Ross Nichols and Heather Turner, who thanked those in attendance for their continued support of the Mission.

Mission to Seafarers is a charitable organisation that provides seafarers with goods and support, and the ability to visit one of their numerous centres located near ports around Australia, and relies on the contribution of volunteers to operate.

The annual International Day of the Seafarer aims to raise awareness towards seafarers as people that are essential to the continued operation and growth of the maritime industry globally, as well as highlight the issues they face. Others to recognise the day via social media and other means included Maritime Industry Australia Ltd, Maritime Union of Australia, Shipping Australia Ltd, Stannard Marine Group, Neptune Pacific Direct Line, PNG Ports Corporation, Port of Melbourne, MMA Offshore, Engage Marine, Fremantle Ports, Pilbara Ports, NSW Ports and Ports Victoria.