MORE carriers are joining the push to maximise returns from high demand in Australasian trades, including outbound.

Late last week Maersk announced a peak season surcharge, applicable from 12 June, for all shipments from the broadly-defined Far East – including China, Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam, Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore and Timor Leste – to, variously, Australia, PNG, the Solomons, NZ, Fiji and French Polynesia.

The PSSs vary, but all are US$300 or $500 per dry TEU, and $600 or $1000 per FEU dry, hi-cube dry and 45-foot hi-cube dry.

Today [4 June], ZIM also announced a PSS from North East Asia to Australia, effective 15 June, of US$300 per dry and reefer TEU. At the same time ZIM, on behalf of Hong Kong affiliate Gold Star Line, advised of a GRI – also of US$300/TEU, and also applicable on 15 June, on all shipments from South East Asia to Australia

Meanwhile, on Saturday [1 June] MSC notified exporters of 1 July rate increases, of US$150 per container to IPAK and Middle East, US$200 to North Africa, Turkiye, East Mediterranean and the Black Sea, and US$300 to the US East Coast and Gulf, Canada, South America, Central America, the Caribbean and Mexico.