SINGAPORE-based shipowner Eastern Pacific Shipping has welcomed the last of six Newcastlemax bulkers from New Times Shipbuilding in an announcement yesterday (24 July).

Mount Ossa is the last 210 000 dwt liquefied natural gas compatible, dual-fuel bulker to be handed over to EPS from the Chinese shipbuilder, and like the preceding five vessels will be chartered to London-based metals and mining corporation Rio Tinto.

The newbuilds are part of a charter deal between EPS and Rio Tinto signed in 2021, a deal that at the time confirmed three vessels with an option for three more.

At the time of that signing, EPS CEO Cyril Ducau commented, “This partnership between EPS and Rio Tinto is another important step forward for industry-wide decarbonization”.

“We need like-minded companies to come together and use transitional fuels, like LNG, to get there.”

A launching ceremony was held by NTS for Mount Ossa in May this year before she was handed over to EPS.

Mount Tai, the fifth in the series, was delivered in May 2023, following Mount Ararat in early 2023.

Mount Ossa is the 21st vessel to be delivered from NTS to EPS, and the last in a series of eleven new bulkers built for the shipping line by NTS.

The six LNG dual-fuel bulkers are a feature of EPS’ continued commitment to decarbonisation efforts within shipping, with the vessels each emitting 30 percent less greenhouse gasses than their conventional counterparts, according to EPS.

The delivery of Mount Ossa also comes after the Singaporean company completed its 200th ship-to-ship LNG bunkering operation in May this year.

The bunkering operation involved the EPS-managed PCTC CMA CGM Daytona. The 700 CEU ship received 930 cubic meters of LNG from Pavilion Energy’s bunker vessel LBV Brassavola.