THE CSIRO has opened applications for supplementary positions aboard voyages of the research vessel Investigator in 2026-27.

Supplementary Applications are invited for fully funded grants of sea time on RV Investigator in the 2026-27 financial year. Researchers are invited to apply for sea time on the vessel on the following voyages:

IN2026_T03 – Transit: Hobart to Brisbane

Hobart 16/07/26 to Brisbane 21/07/26 (6 days)

Voyage to relocate RV Investigator in preparation for its next research voyage.

Up to 20 berths. Up to 24 hours of dedicated station and/or sampling time available.

IN2026_V05 – Next Generation of Ocean LiDAR for Australia
Prof Helen Pask, Macquarie University

Brisbane 30/08/26 to Brisbane 10/09/26 (12 days)

Project to advance development of a dual-use emerging technology, LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging), for remote sensing of subsurface water properties in oceans and coastal waters.

Up to 3 berths. No dedicated sea time available; potential to undertake activities that fit in with Primary activities.

IN2027_V02 – Characterising the newly expanded Macquarie Island Marine Park
Dr Nicole Hill, University of Tasmania

Hobart 27/03/27 to Hobart 02/05/27 (37 days)

Project to fill key knowledge gaps identified by Parks Australia on the ocean environment, distribution and nature of seafloor features, and the habitats and natural values within the Macquarie Island MP.

Up to 2 berths. No dedicated sea time available; underway sampling only.

IN2027_V03 – IMOS Southern Ocean Time Series Strategic Partnership
Dr Elizabeth Shadwick, CSIRO/IMOS

Hobart 12/05/27 to Hobart 27/05/27 (16 days)

Voyage to maintain the Southern Ocean Time Series (SOTS) observatory operated by the Integrated Marine Observing System (IMOS) in the Subantarctic Zone southwest of Tasmania.

Up to 6 berths. Up to 24 hours available for station time in operational area.

The CSIRO says potential applicants should refer to the Marine National Facility (MNF) Supplementary Applications page for further information about available voyages and the application process.

“If you are interested in submitting a supplementary application, before applying, you should first discuss your project, including berths, ship time and equipment requirements, with the MNF. Please email

“Applications close 11 March 2025 at 11:59 pm (AEDT). Late applications will not be accepted.”