ANL HAS announced the launch of Rebuilding Koala Habitats – a new sustainability initiative aligning with National Tree Day.

The initiative will see ANL collaborate with Australian not-for-profit Koala Clancy Foundation, an organisation focused on supporting some of Victoria’s wild koala population through enhancing the natural environment.

ANL will support the planting of 3400 trees at a site in Victoria’s Western Plains with guidance from KCF, in order to help regenerate the environment, alleviate loss of habitat, build homes for future koala populations, and bridge existing ones together.

Over the last 13 years the koala population in the Western Plains of Victoria has decreased drastically, according to KCF, largely due to droughts and heat, the latter of which has caused many mature trees in the area to die, resulting in loss of habitat and food.

This project will play a part in KCF’s mission to plant 300 000 trees by 2030. ANL say this milestone will likely save the koalas of Victoria’s Western Plains from extinction.

Shane Walden, managing director ANL & CMA CGM Group Agencies Oceania said, “ANL has a very proud history in Australia and with it, an affinity for the koala – a national icon”.

“This native species has existed for a millennia, and it’s so important that we take action now, in order to ensure koalas continue to be a lasting piece of our country for generations to come.”

ANL is a shipping line under the CMA CGM Group banner, primarily moving cargo to and from Oceania.

ANL say the project aligns with the CMA CGM Group’s commitment to “act for planet”, and United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 15 (life on land) through ANL’s planned investment of time, people and support into Rebuilding Koala Habitats.

Janine Duffy, president of the KCF said, “The Koala Clancy Foundation was thrilled when ANL reached out to help us progress our mission of creating new homes for the koalas in the You Yangs area near Melbourne, Victoria.

“I admire their commitment to real environmental action – koalas need trees in the ground, not boxes ticked or papers signed – and ANL came to us with real action as their primary aim.

“Together, we are making a lasting impact on the conservation of these beloved animals and the overall preservation of their ecosystem.”