PORT of Adelaide saw a year-on-year increase in container throughput in February, according to the latest available statistics from Flinders Ports.

Adelaide handled a total of 24,354 TEU of full containers in February. This was an increase of 18.4% on the same month last year. The top three countries in terms of total container throughput were Singapore (5493 TEU), Malaysia (3137 TEU), and Australia (2094 TEU).

Full container throughput was also up from the previous month. February’s throughput was 11.6% higher than that of January 2025.

Breaking down import and export numbers, full containerised imports increased year-on-year for both categories in February.

Last month, Adelaide imported 11,666 TEU of full containers, an increase of 13.6% on the same month last year. The port exported 12,688 TEU, an increase of 23.1% on February 2024.

Last month, there were 18 fully cellular containership visits to Port of Adelaide, one more than the same month last year.

Looking at empties, the port handled more empty containers in February than the same month last year.

Last month, a total of 6097 TEU of empty containers passed through the port, a slight increase of 2.9% on the same month last year (5923 TEU). Imports from other Australian ports accounted for 36.2% of the port’s total throughput of empties.