High wind and waves, torrential rainfall still extant
Carriers urgently seeking to shore up revenues
TRADE LAW: The battle grows against non-tariff barriers
Andrew Hudson examines how barriers to trade can go beyond government-imposed tariffs
WOMEN IN MARITIME: Women testing the water
A new enterprise in Western Australia is helping to bring women in maritime roles together and attract more women into the sector writes Zoe Gill
Rising shipping insurance hurting community groups
With insurance costs soaring shipping companies are looking at trimming sponsorships and donations to sporting groups
LETTER TO DCN: An unwelcome safety development
Torres Pilots MD Perry Sutton wrote to DCN about a recent report concerning the alleged use of unlicensed pilots in Port Phillip Bay
OneStop, Tyne ACFS partner up for NZ depot
Tyne ACFS will implement OneStop’s Vehicle Booking System at the new Auckland depot
QLD men sentenced over offshore cocaine plot
The sentencings now see a total of three men imprisoned for the plot to import almost 600kg of cocaine
Fatality on Grimaldi PCTC
The ship remains in Melbourne after a crewmember was killed in an accident on board
Crook Cookers’ maintenance costs to double?
It has been reported that ongoing maintenance costs for the aging Cook Strait Interislander ferries could be almost double those in 2021/22