Global ports sale to have far-reaching consequences
Peter Van Duyn, Maritime Expert, & Director of ICHCA Australia, offers an expanded version of his early analysis provided for DCN around the recent global ports sale
An agreement signed between the Port of Newcastle and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries will help the port establish its Clean Energy Precinct
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IMO reveals progress on net-zero framework
The developments were welcomed by the ICS, though it admitted more work from governments was required
Technology upgrade for Southern Ports
A $13.6 million investment is being made in technology to ensure the ports at Bunbury, Esperance and Albany are equipped for the future
MPA signs MoU with Chinese transport authority for green corridor
The memorandum between the port authority of Singapore and the Shandong Provincial Transport Department aims to establish a green shipping corridor
Drones in Australian ports a legislative grey area
Though a recent case saw a seafarer arrested in Norway, there are technically no Government restrictions in Australia explicitly banning flying drones recreationally over ports
Red Sea dramas leave Launceston helipless
Launceston in Tasmania is struggling to complete a hospital helipad because of disruptions to shipping
Maersk see strong recovery in Q1
A.P. Moller-Maersk has said that Q1 2024 results are in line with expectations showing a strong recovery in earnings compared to Q4 2023