PORT Authority of New South Wales is conducting a multi-agency training exercise at Port Kembla on Friday (23 June).

The annual training event, this year named Scope, will involve port operators and state emergency responders. It aims to exercise the agencies’ capabilities and emergency response protocols.

Sharad Bhasin, harbour master Port Kembla and South Coast said the exercise involves a simulated emergency at the grain berth within the operational area of the Port Kembla facility.

He said there will be lots of action around the port, but there is no need for alarm.

“Port Authority conducts annual training exercises at our major ports to systematically test our emergency response measures, making sure we are well prepared to protect people and the marine environment in the event of an emergency in port waters,” Mr Bhasin said.

“NSW Ports will play a pivotal role in this exercise, as well NSW Fire & Rescue, NSW Ambulance, Environment Protection Authority, GrainCorp, Svitzer, to name a few who will all take part.

“Other agencies and stakeholders will also be present as observers, watching the full-scale staged demonstration as it unfolds.”

NSW Ports CEO Marika Calfas said emergency exercises were an excellent way to test plans and procedures and ensure they remain current and effective.

“These annual drills allow all port operators and emergency services to work closely with one another and to strengthen skills and responses, so in the event of any potential incident, everyone is as prepared as possible to respond swiftly,” Ms Calfas said.

The exercise will commence at approximately 0830 and is expected to finish about 1300. Regular public access areas within the Port Kembla precinct will remain open during the exercise.