LLOYD’S Register has bought a 50% stake in crew insight software ISF Watchkeeper, positioning LR as a joint owner alongside the International Chamber of Shipping.

In their new partnership, ICS and LR plan to use the software to improve crew and environmental safety standards in the maritime industry.

The ISF Watchkeeper work and rest hours compliance software was developed by the ICS and UK-based IT Energy Systems and Consulting.

It is a digital suite designed to help global ship operators plan, manage and report their crew’s rest hours compliance in accordance with International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers and the Maritime Labour Convention.

ICS said more than 180,000 seafarers use ISF Watchkeeper to calculate rest hours and plan work schedules.

“ISF Watchkeeper has the only comprehensive database of crew working practices and through this we will be able to provide detailed insights to help improve seafarer safety and efficiency at sea,” LR Digital Solutions CEO Martin Taylor said.

“The ISF Watchkeeper functionality will sit alongside the OneOcean platform and other LR solutions that are now present on half of the world’s SOLAS fleet.”

ISF Watchkeeper recently developed a benchmarking tool to allow shore-based teams to assess fleet compliance geographically, enabling comparison against wider industry averages.

“ISF Watchkeeper is a vital piece of software for shipowners, ship managers and seafarers,” ICS chief finance and commercial officer Elliott Adams said.

“Being able to benefit from Lloyds Register’s network and complementary tools provides significant benefits for the industry as we look to expand and further enhance the ISF Watchkeeper suite of software solutions.”

The software is available through web, mobile, desktop and API.