THE INTERNATIONAL Maritime Organization council has elected Arsenio Antonio Dominguez Velasco as the next IMO secretary-general.

Mr Dominguez Velasco, from Panama, was one of seven candidates for the top role at the IMO as current incumbent Kitack Lim prepares to step down on 31 December, at the expiry of his term.

Mr Dominguez Velasco is currently director of the Marine Environment Division at the IMO. His initial four-year term as secretary-general will commence on 1 January 2024, subject to approval from the IMO assembly.

The IMO council announced Mr Dominguez Velasco had won the vote following an election at IMO headquarters on 18 July, during the 129th session of the IMO council.

The IMO had also received nominations for Moin Uddin Ahmed from Bangladesh, Suat Hayri Aka from Türkiye, Cleopatra Doumbia-Henry from Dominica, Nancy Karigithu from Kenya, Minna Kivimäki from Finland and Zhang Xiaojie from China.  

Federal minister for infrastructure and transport Catherine King, who represented Australia at the IMO council session, said Mr Dominguez Velasco would bring significant maritime experience to the role of secretary-general.

She said the Australian government supports a safe and sustainable maritime sector that underpins the national economy.

“This includes working domestically and internationally, including as a council member of the IMO, to drive maritime safety reforms and lead on other priorities including the sector’s sustainable decarbonisation,” Ms King said.

“With our own legislated national target of net zero by 2050, Australia is an active player in advocating for the decarbonisation of international shipping. This is something we recently demonstrated during the IMO’s 2023 Greenhouse Gas Strategy negotiations.

“We also continue to deliver on critical pieces of IMO work in our waters, such as ensuring the rights of seafarers are respected and the establishment of an efficient digital reporting platform known as a maritime single window.

“Australia looks forward to continuing to work in good faith with the IMO on ensuring a safe and sustainable international maritime sector now and into the future.”

And Guy Platten, secretary general of the International Chamber of Shipping, said it had been “a great pleasure and privilege” to work with Mr Lim over the past eight years.

“Kitack steered the IMO successfully through challenging times, calmly and with direction, and everyone at the International Chamber of Shipping wishes Kitack every success in his future endeavours,” Mr Platten said,

“We look forward to working with Mr Arsenio Dominguez (Panama) and know that Mr Dominguez will lead with equal measures of authority, purpose and compassion.

“The position of IMO secretary-general is not an easy one, and there are undoubtedly challenges ahead as the industry strives to meet the 2030, 2040 and 2050 targets, but it will be a pleasure to tackle these challenges head on with Mr Dominguez for a better and safer future for our industry and its people.”

Now that the election has concluded, the IMO council will submit its decision at the 33rd session of the assembly of IMO in late 2023.