INCAT Crowther has delivered three new ferries for commuter service in the North Sea.

WattnExpress, Inselexpress I and Watt Sprinter were designed by Incat Crowther and built by Penguin Shipyard International, based in Singapore.

Incat Crowther designed the ferries for the local conditions in the intertidal Wadden Sea zone, which separates mainland Germany from the North Frisian Islands and the North Sea.

The vessels, now in service, have a draught of less than 0.7 metres and can transport up to 54 passengers at speeds of up to 19 knots. Incat Crowther noted they are also IMO Tier III-compliant.

Ed Dudson, Incat Crowther’s managing director for Europe, said the delivery of the new fast ferries was the latest successful project in a long partnership with clients EMS Maritime Offshore.

“Incat Crowther has collaborated closely with EMS Maritime Offshore on these new vessels and their delivery marks an important milestone for the communities that rely on EMO’s service to commute to and from the German mainland,” Mr Dudson said.

“The design of each vessel relied on Incat Crowther’s proven digital shipbuilding process. This process saw our team of designers sit down with the team at EMO and ensure the design of each ferry was tailored to local conditions and requirements.

“The result of this process is a trio of safe, reliable, and efficient bespoke ferries.”

Incat Crowther also customised the vessels to cater to the local community with space for wheelchair access and indoor and outdoor luggage storage areas on the main deck.