PORT OF Dampier’s harbour master has announced that certain vessels will soon be required to provide bridge wing shelters for the pilots and bridge team.

A Pilbara Ports local marine notice, bearing the signature of harbour master Captain Mike Minogue, states that from 1 September this year all bulk/cargo vessels 81000 DWT and over, and Gas Tankers of 60000 cubic metres capacity and over must provide the shelters.

The notice stipulates that the bridge wing shelters must provide protection from the elements whilst also allowing unobstructed visibility from bridge wings.

The objective of this requirement is to provide the pilots and bridge team with protection when working in hot climatic conditions, with the notice acknowledging the high temperatures experienced in north-west Western Australia’s Dampier region annually, which can average 36 degrees in the hotter months.

The notice further recommended that vessels under the tonnage/capacity requirements for the mandatory shelter installation also comply with certain requirements.  

The shelters must be made of suitable material to provide shade from the sun and follow a number of dimensional requirements.

They are allowed to be portable or removable if required, but should be of strong construction to withstand winds that can be encountered in north-west Western Australia.

The notice says bridge wing shelters which comply with the requirements of Panama Canal authority OP notice to shipping N-1-2022 are acceptable.

Captain Minogue’s office says it encourages innovative shelter designs that don’t require the need for crew to work aloft during assembly or disassembly.

Vessel owners/operators shall risk assess the assembling and disassembling works for these shelters to safeguard crew from unidentified risks.

Captain Minogue also says his office will not approve design or risk assessment for bridge wing shelters.

The notice concludes that vessels unable to comply with the above requirement must notify the harbour master immediately, and the marine team will evaluate each vessel on a case-by-case basis.