A $20 million road contract has been awarded to Highway Construction Pty Ltd, with works to start in coming months on upgrades to support heavy freight movements in and out of the Oakajee Strategic Industrial Area.

The project includes a new intersection at North West Coastal Highway, construction of the first stage of the access road, and around 4km of highway widening in the area, with new acceleration and deceleration lanes to be built.

The WA State Government said in a media release on 2 August that the access road construction was an important milestone towards developing a job-creating clean energy hub at Oakajee, around 20km north of Geraldton.

The area is recognised for its world-class wind and solar potential, making it ideal for clean energy industries.

The access road – a 2021 WA Labor election commitment – is an important step towards unlocking the Oakajee Strategic Industrial Area and positioning Western Australia as a global renewable energy powerhouse.

WA Transport Minister Rita Saffioti said the road construction was an important first step for the future Oakajee SIA, which importantly, will provide a safer road environment for the heavy freight vehicles that will operate in the area.

The state government has prioritized developing WA’s Strategic Industries Areas (SIAs) to create jobs and diversify the State’s economy with a $500 million Strategic Industries Fund, that will go towards funding infrastructure at the State’s 13 SIAs.

The Government has also put in place a $160 million industrial lease incentive scheme to attract clean energy projects to SIAs.

Premier Roger Cook said developing Oakajee will create thousands of long-term jobs for Geraldton, diversify the Mid West economy and help WA to become a global renewable energy powerhouse.