SYDNEY and Brisbane wharfies have voted to accept enterprise agreements between DP World Australia and the Maritime Union of Australia.
A similar vote is to be scheduled after final agreement at DP World’s Melbourne terminal.
The company expects workers to formally endorse new enterprise agreements on the east coast by the end of November.
According to DPWA, the votes mean that on the east coast there is certainty for employees on their pay and conditions and for DPWA certainty for their customers until late 2023.
DP World Australia chief operating officer Andrew Adam said the outcome was a win for everyone.
“We’re on track to deliver Agreements to the Fair Work Commission at three out of four DP World Australia terminals, and with Christmas just around the corner, this couldn’t have come at a better time,” Mr Adam said.
“We’re pleased Australian consumers and businesses can expect the smooth delivery of their Christmas goods, supplies, and orders through DP World’s Sydney and Brisbane terminals, uninterrupted by industrial action.
“Over the past two years since bargaining began, we’ve worked hard to negotiate agreements that improve productivity, safeguard working conditions and benefits, and create a sustainable path forward for DP World Australia’s terminals.”

Mr Adam said the agreements provided a wage increase over three years on the basis employees contributed to cost offsets and productivity improvements.
“Delivering finalised enterprise agreements in time for Christmas is a great way to end a year challenged by COVID-19 and start 2021 with certainty and stability for our customers,” Mr Adam said.
Assuming a vote in favour, the DP World Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne Agreements are to be lodged with the Fair Work Commission.
DPWA has localised enterprise agreements with the Maritime Union at each of its terminals in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, and Fremantle.