TRANSPORT and logistics company SCT has criticised a recommendation that would reduce Bromelton’s participation in the Inland Rail project.  

Bromelton is a rural locality in South East Queensland, considered a “significant green freight precinct” by the Scenic Rim Regional Council and a state development area by the Queensland government.

Bromelton had been fully integrated into the Inland Rail project for years, according to SCT, with full double stacking capacity provided to the site.

But SCT noted a recommendation in the recently published independent review of the Inland Rail that would limit Bromelton’s capacity to single-stacked trains.

Kerry Schott in her Inland Rail review found there was “no feasible way to operate 1800 metre double-stacked freight trains” within the city environs of Brisbane and the port.

“Smaller single-stacked train operations (as at present) are possible but there needs to be a terminal outside the city where large double-stacked trains can manage their load and have the option to single-stack beyond that point or switch to smaller vehicle road haulage for the end of trip,” Dr Schott wrote.

“Considerable analysis has been done by governments on the options to meet this requirement and the preference is to develop an intermodal and warehousing terminal at Ebenezer.

“A single-stack route for smaller trains to Bromelton terminal should continue and single-stacking through to Kagaru should be developed.”

SCT Group managing director Geoff Smith said the recommendation had come out of the blue.

“Our company and others have been investing in the Scenic Rim area for a number of years in good faith with the expectation that Bromelton will be a full participant in the Inland Rail program,” he said.

“To see this recommendation seven years down the track off the back of a government process that only took a few weeks is extremely unexpected.”

Mr Smith estimates Bromelton would have seen up to 1.5 million tonnes in additional freight capacity each year with full connectivity to the Inland Rail.

“This would provide greater efficiency for a range of Queensland regional businesses from the agribusiness, produce and other consumable sectors,” he said.

“We will work with local, state and the federal government to seek a resolution on this matter.

“We note that Canberra is yet to fully endorse every recommendation in the report, so hope there is still time for the best outcome for the Scenic Rim, and the Inland Rail project overall.”

SCT Group said it would continue to advocate for “a common-sense outcome” in the matter.