A FRANCHISE parcel delivery service has launched Australia’s first self-service return from home solution for online shoppers.

The new service enables shoppers to social distance and provides greater confidence if they are new to online shopping.

The service is being offered through the CouriersPlease ‘Boomerang portal’.

Boomerang has allowed customers to return unsuitable online purchases at its parcel collection network to be picked up by a CP driver and returned to the retailer’s warehouse.

Now, CP has extended the service by enabling shoppers to book their own flat-rate return through the retailer.


Customers nominate a location from which their returns can be picked up, and a time.

The new service within Boomerang is available to customers of retailers who are onboard Boomerang into their returns systems.

Alternative returns products in the market are said to require a customer to drop off goods at the local post office, or requires a retailer to organise a pick-up on the customer’s behalf.

Forever New is the first retailer to use Boomerang. Prior to the partnership, Forever New customers could process their returns either in-store or by dropping off their parcel at a post office or post box.

CP chief commercial officer Paul Roper said they were pleased to launch their innovation.

“We believe Boomerang will help boost sales for retailers who take up this service, as it provides customers with confidence when shopping online,” Mr Roper said.

Forever New managing director Carolyn Mackenzie said they were pleased to partner with CouriersPlease.

“Boomerang makes returns more convenient and allows customers to complete the whole shopping journey from the comfort of their home,” she said.