REPRESENTATIVES of the International Forwarders and Customs Brokers Association of Australia and Road Freight New South Wales recently met with transport minister Andrew Constance to discuss congestion.
As has been widely reported, congestion has been a major issue at Port Botany in recent months.
IFCBAA commercial manager Scott Carson said a proposed review of the current PBLIS system was welcome on the basis any resulting changes must provide industry with improvements in process, transparency, cost controls, whole of cargo and container movement authorised data tracking within land-based functions.
IFCBAA, together with RFNSW, has been working on several initiatives to resolve the problem.

“With the congestion issues in the Port Botany ECPs easing to an extent, this should over time reduce the instances of empty container dehire rejections and redirections, largely due to the fact the justification of these continuing to occur at the current high levels, will not exist,” Mr Carson said.
In his letter, Mr Constance said the NSW government would “explore any solution that has the potential to reduce the congestion”.
“Our immediate focus is working with industry to prioritise the evacuation of empty containers where possible,” the minister said.