ALL SUPPLY chain workers must be prioritised for COVID-19 vaccine given their critical roles, Ports Australia chief executive Mike Gallacher says.
Mr Gallacher was responding following a statement from the Australian Airports Association calling for aviation workers to be prioritised for the vaccine.
He said the once the vaccine began to make its way around the world, Australia must be prepared for its freight task to grow as the international supply chain returned to full capacity.
“Working on the front line – whether it be on a port, airport, ship, truck or train – means you’re coming into contact with high volumes of people and essential freight,” Mr Gallacher said.

“To prioritise the health of supply chain workers is to prioritise the security of the supply chain and safety of Australian people.
“These supply chain gateways and forwarders are pieces of critical infrastructure which cannot be overlooked in planning for a recovery out of COVID-19 once the vaccine hits.”
The original Australian Airports Association can be read here.