INTERNATIONAL class society the Indian Register of Shipping says it has secured an order to provide classification services for nine floating border out posts and 36 patrol boats of the Border Security Force of India.
IRClass has increased the range of its services to Ministry of Home Affairs in classing and certifying water crafts for paramilitary forces.
The floating border out posts are self-propelled and are equipped with navigation, communication and surveillance systems, as well as modern accommodation for their crews and for the crews of the attached patrol boats.
Each FBOP is designed to function as a floating border monitoring post.
In another project for the Border Security Force of India, a fleet of nine 20-metre medium craft is being built under the classification of IRClass.
These boats are designed to carry out day and night coastal patrol and surveillance operations in coastal areas.
Head Defence of IRClass Commander KK Dhawan said the arrangement was a positive development.
“We are committed to strengthen our working relationship with the Border Security Force of India, by rendering professional services towards the classification of BSF vessels to augment India’s border security capabilities, as secure borders are integral to the nation’s development,” he said.