THE AUSTRALIAN Maritime Safety Authority is not planning to take over the maintenance of the national network of maritime aids to navigation after the current maintenance contract expires on 30 June next year, according to an AMSA spokesperson.

In July, AMSA halted the tender process for the 10-year contract to maintain the AtoN network, saying its “approach to market has not identified a suitable contractor”.

Maritime services company AMS Group has held the contract for the AtoN maintenance for more than two decades since AMSA first outsourced the maintenance work.

“AMSA is pursuing an alternative strategy to maintain the national network of Aids to Navigation beyond 30 June 2024,” the AMSA spokesperson said.

“Work on this strategy has been progressing and further information will be made available to the market shortly. AMSA has no plans to take over the maintenance itself.”

The spokesperson said the tender involved two elements: one for the AtoN maintenance services and another element for an emergency towage service.

“That second element of the procurement is not yet complete,” the spokesperson said.

“When that second element is complete, AMSA will make a public notification as required under the Commonwealth Procurement Rules. AMSA would like to thank industry for their patience on this issue.”