DNV has launched a platform designed to help the maritime industry asses and work with emissions data.

Emissions Connect is an emissions data verification engine and data management platform. It aims to provide stakeholders along the maritime value chain with a common source of verified emissions data.

The process involves shipowners providing high-quality emissions data, which DNV verifies and shares with customers.

It is shared for self-service in settlement of transactions or for other purposes such as compliance reporting, exporting and secure sharing with partners and third parties, including banks and insurance companies.

“Reducing emissions and reporting on progress is becoming increasingly important for the maritime industry and is set to have an impact on business that goes beyond regulatory compliance,” DNV Maritime Knut Ørbeck-Nilssen said.

“Through providing real-time verified emissions data that the entire maritime value chain can share, trust and act on, Emissions Connect can serve as an important enabler to help the industry achieve its decarbonisation goal.”

Emissions Connect was also designed to address needs emerging from the introduction of the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS) and the Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII) to the maritime industry.

“Reliable, verified data is necessary at every stage of the value chain for operational control and accurate accounting of emissions in order to facilitate commercial agreements,” DNV Maritime digital business development director Pål Lande said.

He believes annual aggregated data reports will no longer be sufficient to manage and control ETS allowance and CII performance.

“Transparency on a trusted and verified voyage statement based on daily real-time reporting of data will be an essential basis of commercial contracts,” he said.

“Emissions Connect enables all parties in the value chain to work on the same trusted, verified and standardised dataset, or a single source of truth, which eliminates many of the data governance and trust issues arising from the traditional method of exchanging data via email.”

The next stage of the Emissions Connect launch is an online demonstration event on 27 April.