AN INTERNATIONAL Maritime Organization partnership program has released guidelines for countries setting up port facilities to manage marine litter.

The guidelines were developed by the GloLitter partnership, which comprises the IMO and the UN Food and Agriculture Organization. It is funded by Australia, Norway and Saudi Arabia.

The ultimate aim of the publication, Guidance Document on Conducting Techno-Economic Feasibility Studies for the Establishment of Port Reception Facilities for Plastic Waste, is to address the problem of marine litter emanated from vessels.

“Plastic litter has devastating effects on our oceans, marine life and human health,” the IMO said.

“Some scientists warn that, by 2050, the quantity of plastics in the sea will outweigh fish.”

The document outlines the costs of operating a port reception facility and the revenue a reception facility can generate.

It aims to provide tools and guidance for economic assessments and techno-feasibility studies concerning port reception facilities for plastic waste generated on board ships, including fishing gear.

“Ports need to cover the costs incurred in collecting and treating the waste received from ships by charging direct and/or indirect fees, and by selling products derived from the waste,” IMO said.

“In smaller ports with limited vessel calls, it is deemed essential that all ships contribute to the cost of provision of reception facilities, including those ships not actually using them.

“Reception facilities in large ports are on standby around the clock so that ships that need to discharge waste are not unduly delayed. In smaller ports this would be too costly. “

GloLitter was set up to help developing countries prevent and reduce marine litter, particularly plastics, in the maritime transport and fisheries sectors.

The project aims to expand government and port management capacities and instigate legal, policy and institutional reforms at the country level by developing mechanisms for sustainability and enhancing regional co-operation.