TASPORTS has advised that the Port of Devonport’s 4 West berth has today (19 June) reopened to shipping following the installation of new fenders.

The fenders were installed at the berth as part of a $3.2-million project to enhance safety and operations for the terminal’s customers.

The berth was closed in February this year to see the removal of its existing timber fenders and the installation of 24 new fender piles and 12 rubber fenders. A total of 36 new fenders will be installed as part of the project.

Four West is a general purpose berth that accommodates operations including oil products, bulk wheat, containers and livestock.

The project is on its original timeline of February to June despite facing delays due to lightning strikes and strong winds that impacted crane operations, as well as issues removing the existing fenders.

“We recognise the adjustments which needed to be made to project scheduling to accommodate issues and risks, as well as minimising impacts to shipping as best as possible,” TasPorts CEO Anthony Donald said.

Mr Donald said seven of the 12 fenders have been successfully installed, enabling the resumption of shipping at the berth, with the remaining fenders to be installed around shipping requirements to minimise impacts to berth productivity.

“Devonport is a major cargo port, responsible for the movement of between three and four million tonnes of freight every year. It’s important we continue to invest in its future for our customers, communities and the Tasmanian economy.”             

The upgrades come as TasPorts undergoes the QuayLink project, a $240 million investment to upgrade the East Devonport port infrastructure.