NEW Zealand’s Port Health and Safety Leadership Group has released a plan that aims to make the country’s ports safer in the wake of two fatalities last year.

The leadership group comprises unions, ports and stevedoring companies, the Port Industry Association, Maritime NZ and WorkSafe.

Minister of Transport Michael Wood asked the Port Health and Safety Leadership Group to provide advice after two port workers were killed in 2022. A port worker and a stevedore died in incidents at ports of Lyttelton and Auckland, respectively.

The leadership group submitted its advice to the minister as part of the multi-year Port Sector Insights Picture and Action Plan.

The publication compiles information from fatalities, injuries, incidents, near-misses, regulatory notifications, investigations and assessments, worker surveys, and worker interviews and workshops to build a picture of what drives serious harm on ports.

It lays out six interventions where the group believes changes can have impact:

  • Implementing the Fatigue Risk Management System: Good Practice Guidelines to reduce the risks associated with worker fatigue.
  • Putting in place an approved code of practice around loading and unloading of cargo to implement more consistent regulatory standards in relation to some of the highest risk activities in ports.
  • Recommending the government extend the Maritime NZ designation to cover the whole port.
  • Work to improve incident reporting, notifications, insights and learning across the ports, so the sector can get better real time understanding of harm and take necessary action.
  • Action to improve training and workforce issues.
  • Actions to ensure there are easier ways of sharing good practice that the sector is doing here, or overseas, to encourage continuous improvement on ports.

Kirstie Hewlett, Maritime NZ chief executive and Port Health and Safety Leadership Group chair, said the group has built a comprehensive picture of why and where harm is happening at ports.

“We owe it to those working on ports every day, the people who have died, their families, and those who have been injured, to improve safety on ports,” Ms Hewlett said.

“All port and stevedoring companies, regulators, and many workers, have contributed significant data, insights and time to develop this picture, which is the foundation for our multi-year harm prevention program.

“This is already providing valuable insights to sector participants on where to target their effort.”

Maritime Union of New Zealand national secretary Craig Harrison said the plan is a crucial step in improving safety in ports.

“While research shows that over time serious injuries on ports have declined, there is still more work to do. Hearing workers’ voices and including workers’ experiences has been vital,” Mr Harrison said.

“This mahi [work] has required trust, partnership and a different way of working. It shows what can be accomplished when the sector works together towards a common goal. This will make a real difference to the lives of our people.”

Ports of Auckland chief executive Roger Gray said the sector is making a firm commitment to its workers and their families.

“Everyone has the right to go home safe to their whānau [family or community],” Mr Gray said.

“The leadership group has already started implementing the action plan. We have published fatigue risk management guidelines, started training and want all organisations employing workers on ports to have at least started a fatigue risk-management system by September.

“Work on an approved code of practice for loading and unloading cargo is well underway, and there is a lot more to come.”

Maritime NZ said Mr Wood, the minister for transport, has endorsed the plan.