NEPTUNE Pacific Direct Line is launching a liner service to the South Pacific from the US west coast, opening transhipment opportunities to Australia.

NPDL said the new WCUSA service, due to commence in July, will build on another service launched in April (ANZPAC) that calls Australia, New Zealand and Pacific ports.

The new WCUSA service will operate from Oakland and Long Beach to Papeete, Apia and Pago Pago with transhipment connections to Nuku’alofa.

With the ANZPAC service now up and running, NPDL said the expanded network would create additional transhipment connection opportunities from Apia to the US west coast, Australia, New Zealand and Fiji.

“We are thrilled to announce this pivotal initiative which provides Pacific Island customers access to the USA, Australia, New Zealand and Asian markets,” NPDL president Greg Wilson said.

“This network expansion also provides cargo owners with an alternative service between the West Coast USA, Australia and New Zealand.”

The WCUSA service will operate on a 20-day frequency under a capacity agreement on the Polynesia Service.

PDL has appointed Norton Lilly International as the WCUSA agent to provide shipping and port logistics services.