DREWRY’S composite World Container Index increased 1.4$ to US$9544.66 per 40-foot container this week.
While the composite index increased by 1.4% this week, it remains 82% higher than a year ago.

The average composite index of the WCI, assessed by Drewry for year-to-date, is US$9477 per 40-foot container, which is $6,613 higher than the five-year average of US$2864 per 40-foot container.
According to Drewry, freight rates from Shanghai to Rotterdam gained 3% or US$370 to reach US$14,028 per 40-foot box.
Similarly, rates from Shanghai to Los Angeles and Shanghai to New York surged 1% and 2% to reach US$10,621 and US$13,771 per feu respectively.
However, rates from Rotterdam to Shanghai and Rotterdam to New York fell 2% and 1% to reach US$1524 and US$6233 per 40-foot container respectively.
Rates on Shanghai to Genoa, Los Angeles to Shanghai and New York to Rotterdam hovered around previous weeks’ level. Drewry expects rates to climb higher in the coming week.