A SVITZER pilot boat crew rescued two passengers from a capsized recreational fishing boat off the coast of Onslow, Pilbara over the weekend. 

The Svitzer Seara crew received the alert from Pilbara Ports Authority late on Sunday afternoon and departed immediately from the Wheatstone tug pens. 

They arrived at the semi-submerged recreational vessel 15 minutes later, with less than an hour left of daylight. 

The crew retrieved a man and woman from the vessel. The pilot boat crew provided dry towels, clothing and drinking water to the couple.

The passengers were in some shock and experiencing the early stages of hypothermia but were in a healthy condition, according to a statement from Svitzer.

Svitzer Seara towed the stricken vessel to Beadon Creek in Onslow, where the couple received further assistance from St John Ambulance volunteers.

The operation was carried out in conjunction with Chevron Australia’s emergency response team. 

Svitzer Australia north west superintendent Jerome Gubbels said the outcome was a relief, and commended pilot boat crewmembers Mike Waters and Thomas Ball for their efforts. 

“The quick response and outstanding professionalism of the Svitzer Pilot boat team was instrumental to the ultimately safe and time-sensitive rescue,” Mr Gubbels said. 

“There is great relief with this outcome, which demonstrates the readiness for emergency situations of our Svitzer Pilot boat team stationed at the Port of Ashburton and Barrow Island,” he said.

“Well done to Mike and Tom and the local Chevron team.”

Wheatstone marine superintendent John Meade said the rescue was a result of the collaborative efforts of the people involved. 

“We’re very glad this was a positive outcome for those involved and proud of the way our Chevron and Svitzer colleagues lent their expertise to assist,” Mr Meade said.

“Our residential Wheatstone personnel are active members of the Onslow local community, like Health, Safety and Environment Specialist Cam Bartram, who was among the St John Ambulance volunteers that assisted the rescued passengers.”