Milestone for Port of Newcastle Clean Energy Precinct
The precinct aims to facilitate the production, storage and export of hydrogen
Cook Strait still all at sea
Mixed messages as government continues prevarication
VPP changes welcome but inadequate
Shipper and transport bodies still want regulation
Pilbara rules on whales, speeding and mooring
A series of notices have been issued by Pilbara Ports reminding mariners of port regulations
FedEx launches new import management tool
The new platform is intended to streamline the shipping process by centralising document management and shipment tracking
Bunbury breakwater is rocking
The precinct is being developed as a regional hub for the marine industry
Upgrades nearly complete on SA-WA rail corridor
The ARTC is upgrading 18 sites along the rail corridor between Port Augusta and Kalgoorlie
VIC updates stevedores’ price protocols
First enhancements to VPP since 2020 introduction
Rightship lowers age triggers
Evidence of risk drives new policy
World Container Index Continues Decline
Following the end of the US port strikes, Drewry expects rates ex-China to continue to decrease marginally in the coming weeks