CONSTRUCTION has started on a $17.9-million upgrade and expansion of a maritime college in Cairns.  

The Great Barrier Reef International Marine College is being expanded to include new facilities, while the college also partners with Maritime Safety Queensland and TAFE Queensland to offer a Certificate III in Maritime Operations (Integrated Rating) staring this year.

The Queensland government said the course covers the skills needed to gain certification with the Australian Maritime Safety Authority, including how to survive at sea using a survival craft, slip or dock a vessel, maintain hull on a vessel of up to 80 metres and use wheelhouse equipment.

The expansion aims to cater for increased student numbers, including people looking to train, upskill and reskill in the maritime sector. It includes a new workshop with patrol guard boat engine simulation, new boat store, new classrooms and student and staff facilities.

The expanded college would have capacity to train up to 1500 students per year, up from 900 who commenced this year.

MUA Queensland assistant branch secretary Paul Gallagher congratulated the Queensland government for making room for more people to be trained with the skills needed to take up seafaring careers.

“With the college’s new international rating certification training and extra classrooms the next generation of young Queensland seafarers will be put at the cutting edge, taking them offshore into the deep sea, and into the heart of Australia’s lucrative maritime industry,” he said.

“With those pathways previously only available in Tasmania and West Australia, this new state-of-the-art facility will mean that more Queensland’s sons and daughters will be equipped to take on high-paid careers in shipping and the booming offshore hydrocarbons sector.

“This is boosting our state as a hub for high-tech training and international maritime careers.”

Member for Barron River Craig Crawford said the expansion, part of the state’s Big Build project, would see 50% more students coming through the facility.

The Big Build project aims to deliver training for the state’s growing maritime workforce, including through the Pacific Marine Training Services contract – a program set to strengthen ties with Pacific Island nations by training their navy and police personnel.

“There will be more than 870 new maritime industry jobs in Cairns in the four years to 2025-26, that’s a huge vote of confidence in Cairns,” Mr Crawford said.

The Great Barrier Reef International Marine College is located near the Port of Cairns, offering industry-recognised maritime courses, including Certificates I to IV in Maritime Operations, and skill sets in safety and marine radio.