THE High Speed Rail Authority (HSRA) is looking for industry innovations to help shape the rail network along Australia’s east coast.

The Federal Government has committed $500 million for the planning and corridor protection of the Sydney to Newcastle section and has established HSRA to oversee its planning and development. 

HSRA is tasked with developing a detailed business case that will determine proposed corridor alignment, potential stations locations, rolling stock, project costs and delivery timeframes. 

It is now asking industry for input with a call for registrations of interest from Australian and international experts and businesses to provide feedback, insights and recommendations on key themes.

These include using local manufacturing and building local workforce skills and participation and optimising city and region-shaping opportunities through alignment and station locations.

The HSRA will also seek to identify optimal packaging strategies for efficient delivery of the works, to integrate emerging high-speed rail technologies, and support sustainable green infrastructure.

It is also looking for private sector investment. 

HSRA will use the feedback to build a business case which is expected to be presented to Government by the end of this year.

A media release issued on 5 June said industry engagement would play a critical role in shaping the high-speed rail network.

“HSRA will be seeking to test the market on innovative ideas in design and delivery while taking advantage of tried and tested best-practice methods,” the release said.

Industry stakeholders can register at

Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government Minister Catherine King said engaging with industry experts was an opportunity to benchmark best practice and learn from high-speed rail networks across the globe. “High-speed rail is central to our Government’s vision for how we want to see Australia develop – not just next year or next decade but decades from now,” Minister King said.