MID West Ports Authority has announced funding recipients in the latest round of its community grants program.

The port authority’s Annual Community Grants program aims to support local groups and organisations making a positive contribution to the community.

Of the 28 groups that applied for the 2023/24 program, 15 were chosen to receive funding, amounting to a total of $104,100.

“MWPA is committed to making a positive impact in the Mid West community through engagement, capacity building and funding assistance,” Mid West Ports said.

It said funded a range of initiatives including regional events, cultural and sporting events, equipment improvement programs, school leadership programs or camps and an artwork commission.

“MWPA is very pleased to support so many valuable events and initiatives in the Mid West and looks forward to receiving updates from the grant recipients over the next year.

The MWPA Annual Grants Program opens at the beginning of each year, with funds to be distributed by 30 June for spending and acquittal in the following financial year.